Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences
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Modifying the caesarean, contemporary approach

Author(s): Christos Tsitlakidis

Formulate an easier procedure for the assistant and theatre staff to follow. The use of retraction tapes in obese women allows to operate with a single assistant. Tapes such as Leukoplast sleek SF tapes, now replaced with traxi™ Panniculus, hypoallergenic latex free. Those latest reviewed in Contemporary OB/GYN. Considering a caesarean section rate up to 50 percent in the USA for women with BMI between 35 and 39.9, the operating times do not differ from other caesareans, and the tapes can remain for 24 hours post the procedure. • Eliminate bleeding and create a calmer environment. Bleeding during CS can still be ferocious. Blood loss can be underestimated. Such bleeding is associated with increased morbidity. Large intrabdominal gauze packs, size 45, into either, or both paracolic gutters at the beginning of the CS apply a mild uterine compression onto large vessels and the uterus and isolate the surgical field from bowel loops and also collect amniotic fluid and blood intraoperatively. If applied dry, they soon become wet during the procedure. • Delivery of the head with flexion so to present under the uterine incision with the occipito-bregmatic diameter. That prevents extension of the scar downwards to the cervix, the uterine vessels and the broad ligament. Best YouTube to MP3 converter. Download MP3 from YouTube for Free. one would honestly have expected more on the track Download Mp3 songs for free Given the legendary pedigree of the man behind the sound Download mp3 songs online at Mp3 Converter, watch high quality online music videos watch and download free songs of the highest quality. Listen to songs online here comfortably without any annoying advertisements. Easy to use and free MP3 downloader. YouTube To MP3 download in seconds using the best YouTube to MP3 converter. YouTube To Mp3 Get the latest song by simply typing the latest artist or song title in the Search menu. Mp3 file format with 128 - 320 Kbps bitrate converted from YouTube videos. read at this blog All those artist performances are still available on YouTube today find more here

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