Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences
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Male infertility in Nigeria: A neglected reproductive health issue requiring attention

Author(s): Patrick Ojeifo Uadia, Abiodun Mathias Emokpae

Even though infertility is not lethal, it has been described as a radical life changing problem that carries with it significant psychological trauma. Male factor infertility is responsible for about 40–50% of all infertility cases. Despite its high prevalence in Nigeria, not much effort has been made at tackling the problem. The impact of male factor infertility is likely to increase if adequate measures are not taken. This paper reviews the main factors that are responsible for the problem and also highlights the need to focus on prevention and management; how those affected could be assisted by government, agencies and the private sector. Internet search of studies on male infertility was done, and those relevant for this study were reviewed. The major causes of infertility in Nigeria are sexually transmitted infections and hormonal abnormalities. Effort should be made in arriving at a proper diagnosis, and adequate treatment given where causes are treatable. Otherwise the patients should be adequately counseled. In irreversible cases, assisted reproductive techniques may be suggested. This procedure as at now is beyond the reach of the average Nigerian citizen. Centers, where such facilities are available, may be subsidized by the government to reduce the cost.

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