Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences
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An AI-based diabetic retinopathy screening system and its use in real-world clinical settings in Australia and Singapore

Author(s): Tan Teck Jack and Di Xiao

Statement of the Problem: The World Health Organization announced in 2018 that 422 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes mellitus. The projected impact of vision impairment and blindness caused by Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) will result in significant public health and economic consequences. DR is preventable and treatable if detected early through an annual eye screening. However, screening rates are low globally due to a paucity of trained eye-health professionals in developing countries and in rural or remote areas of developed countries.

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Citations : 14972

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences received 14972 citations as per google scholar report

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